Hacks, Cracks And More!

Table Of Contents: 

A) What is phreaking?
B) Why phreak? 
C) Phreaking rules
D) Where and how to start phreaking
E) Boxes & what they do
F) Box plans
G) Free calling from COCOT's
H) ANAC numbers

A. What is phreaking?

Phreaking is basically hacking with a telephone. Using different "boxes" and "tricks" to manipulate the phone companies and their phones, you gain many things, two of which are: knowledge about telephones and how they work, and free local and long distance phone calls. In the following sections, you will learn some about boxes, what they are, and how they work. You will also learn about the other forms of phreaking.

B. Why phreak?

Phreaking, like hacking, is used to gather information about telephones, telephone companies, and how they work. There are other benefits as well. As stated above, you also get free phone calls. But, these are used mainly to gather more information about the phones, and to allow us free access to all information.

C. Phreaking rules

Most of the same rules apply for hacking and phreaking, so I will only list a few here. 

1. Never box over your home phone line.
2. You should never talk about phreaking projects over your home phone line.
3. Never use your real name when phreaking.
4. Be careful who you tell about your phreaking projects.
5. Never leave phreaking materials out in the open. Keep them in a safe place.
6. Don't get caught.

D. Where and how to start phreaking

Well, you can phreak on any telephone, but as stated above, it is very stupid to do so on your home phone line.

First you need you need to construct the boxes needed for what you want to do. All of the boxes and their descriptions are listed in the next section. Most of the boxes are very easy to make, but if your not into making shit, there are usually alternative ways of making them.

E. Boxes and what they do
Box: Description: 
Red Box generates tones for free phone calls
Black Box when called, caller pays nothing
Beige Box lineman's handset
Green Box generates coin return tones
Cheese Box turns your phone into a payphone
Acrylic Box steal 3-way calling and other services
Aqua Box stops F.B.I. lock-in-trace
Blast Box phone microphone amplifier
Blotto Box shorts out all phones in your area
Blue Box generates 2600hz tone
Brown Box creates party line
Bud Box tap neighbors phone
Chatreuse Box use electricity from phone
Chrome Box manipulates traffic signals
Clear Box free calls
Color Box phone conversation recorder
Copper Box causes cross-talk interference
Crimson Box hold button
Dark Box re-route calls
Dayglo Box connect to neighbors phone line
Divertor Box re-route calls
DLOC Box create party line
Gold Box dial-out router
Infinity Box remote activated phone tap
Jack Box touch-tone key pad
Light Box in-use light
Lunch Box AM transmitter
Magenta Box connect remote phone line to another
Mauve Box phone tap without cutting into the line
Neon Box external microphone
Noise Box creates line noise
Olive Box external ringer
Party Box creates party line
Pearl Box tone generator
Pink Box creates party line
Purple Box hold button
Rainbow Box kill trace
Razz Box tap neighbors phone
Rock Box add music to phone line
Scarlet Box causes interference
Silver Box create DTMF tones for A, B, C, and D
Static Box raises voltage on phone line
Switch Box add services
Tan Box phone conversation recorder
TV Cable Box see sound waves on TV
Urine Box create disturbance on phone headset
Violet Box stop payphone from hanging up
White Box DTMF key pad
Yellow Box add line extension

F. Box Plans

The Red Box is the main tool that you will use so I have included the Red Box plans. The other box plans can be downloaded from the Internet.

Red Box:

There are two ways that you can make a Red Box:

One is to go to Radio Shack and buy a tone dialer and a 6.5536Mhz crystal. (If Radio Shack doesn't have the crystal, you can order them from the electronics companies that I have listed at the end of this section.) Open up the tone dialer and replace the existing crystal (big, shiny, metal thing labeled "3.579545Mhz") with the 6.5536Mhz crystal. Now, close it up. You have a red box.

To use it for long distance calls play the tones that add up to the amount of money that the operator requests. For a 25 cents tone press 5 *'s. For a 10 cents tone press 3 *'s. For a 5 cents tone press 1 *.

And, the second way, which is a much easier method, is to get the Red Box tones from a phreaking program, such as: Omni-box, or Fear's Phreaker Tools. Play the tones as you hold a micro-cassette recorder about 1-inch away from your computer speakers, and record the tones.

The Red Box only works on public telephones, it does not work on COCOT's. (Defined in next section.) It makes the telephone think that you have put money in. Red Boxes do not work on local calls because the phone is not using ACTS (Automated Coin Toll System), unless you call the operator and have her place the call for you. You tell her the number that you want to dial and then when she asks you to put in your money, play the tones. If she asks you why you need her to place the call tell her that one of the buttons is smashed in or something like that. You now have and know how to use a Red Box!

G. Free calling from COCOT's

First of all, COCOT stands for "Customer Owned Customer Operated Telephone". These are most likely to be found at restaurants, amusement parks, etc.

All you have to do to make a free call from a COCOT is dial a 1-800 number (they let you do this for free), say some bullshit and get them to hang up on you. Stay on the line after they hang up, then dial the number that you want to call.

This may not work by the time you read this because COCOT owners are becoming more aware of us every day.

H. ANAC numbers

ANAC stands for "Automated Number Announcement Circuit". In other words, you call the ANAC number in your area and it tells you the number that you are calling from. This is useful when Beige Boxing, or hooking your modem up to other phone lines, to find out what number you are using. The "?" are substituted for unknown numbers. Do some scanning to find them out. Here are the ANAC numbers for the U.S.A. with their area code, and the only one I knew of in the U.K.:


Area Code: ANAC Number:

201 958

202 811

203 970

205 300-222-2222

205 300-555-5555

205 300-648-1111

205 300-765-4321

205 300-798-1111

205 300-833-3333

205 557-2311

205 811

205 841-1111

205 908-222-2222

206 411

207 958

209 830-2121

209 211-9779

210 830

212 958

213 114

213 1223

213 211-2345

213 211-2346

213 760-2???

213 61056

214 570

214 790

214 970-222-2222

214 970-611-1111

215 410-????

215 511

215 958

216 200-????

216 331

216 959-9968

217 200-???-????

219 550

219 559

301 958-9968

310 114

310 1223

310 211-2345

310 211-2346

312 200

312 290

312 1-200-8825

312 1-200-555-1212

313 200-200-2002

313 200-222-2222

313 200-???-????

313 200200200200200

314 410-????

315 953

315 958

315 998

317 310-222-2222

317 559-222-2222

317 743-1218

334 5572411

334 5572311

401 200-200-4444

401 222-2222

402 311

404 311

404 940-???-????

404 940

405 890-7777777

405 897

407 200-222-2222

408 300-???-????

408 760

408 940

409 951

409 970-????

410 200-6969

410 200-555-1212

410 811

412 711-6633

412 711-4411

412 999-????

413 958

413 200-555-5555

414 330-2234

415 200-555-1212

415 211-2111

415 2222

415 640

415 760-2878

415 7600-2222

419 311

502 200-2222222

502 997-555-1212

503 611

503 999

504 99882233

504 201-269-1111

504 998

504 99851-0000000000

508 958

508 200-222-1234

508 200-222-2222

508 26011

509 560

510 760-1111

512 830

512 970-????

515 5463

515 811

516 958

516 968

517 200-222-2222

517 200200200200200

518 511

518 997

518 998

603 200-222-2222

606 997-555-1212

606 711

607 993

609 958

610 958

610 958-4100

612 511

614 200

614 517

615 200200200200200

615 2002222222

615 830

616 200-222-2222

617 200-222-1234

617 200-222-2222

617 200-444-4444

617 220-2622

617 958

618 200-???-????

618 930

619 211-2001

619 211-2121

703 811

704 311

707 211-2222

708 1-200-555-1212

708 1-200-8825

708 200-6153

708 724-9951

708 356-9646

713 380

713 970-????

713 811

714 114

714 211-2121

714 211-2222

716 511

716 990

717 958

718 958

802 2-222-222-2222

802 200-222-2222

802 1-700-222-2222

802 111-2222

805 114

805 211-2345

805 211-2346

805 830

806 970-????

810 200200200200200

812 410-555-1212

813 311

815 200-???-????

817 290

817 211

818 970-611-1111

818 1223

818 211-2345

903 211-2346

904 970-611-1111

906 200-222-222

907 1-200-222-2222

907 811

908 958

910 200

910 311

910 988

914 990-1111

915 970-????

916 211-2222

916 461

919 200

919 711


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